Shared Values and Guidelines of the Rigpa Community

Training the Mind

We recognize our freedom to work skillfully with thoughts, emotions and perceptions through meditation and refection, so as to clarify confusion and give rise to wisdom.

This means:

  • We examine our motivation deeply, looking at the consequences of what we think, say and do.
  • In order to tame, train and transform our minds, we set aside time to study and practice the teachings of Buddha.
  • As often as we can, we examine our minds, to undermine habits of clinging, hostility and indifference, and enhance qualities of faith, self-discipline, generosity, study, decency, self-control and wisdom.

Entering the Vajrayana Path

Individuals who choose to follow the Vajrayana path, and be guided by a master as set out in the Vajrayana and Dzogchen teachings can only do so by making a formal request for this level of spiritual guidance. They will receive teachings on the ethics and commitments specific to Vajrayana and Dzogchen.

  • Making such a formal request is a serious step, which should come only after discussion with experienced instructors about the nature of the teachings and what it means to receive this guidance. It should be based on a strong foundation of study, practice, investigation and contemplation by the student, developed over a period of time.
  • It is the responsibility of the Vajrayana master to prepare the student for the master-disciple relationship.
  • Such formal requests are completely optional and voluntary, and when made by a student, constitute consent to this level of spiritual guidance.