Dakini Day Tsok

Event Details This event finished on 15 July 2020 Venue: Rigpa UK Categories: Practice, Sangha Dakini is a female embodiment of enlightened energy. It literally means ‘sky-goer’, indicating one who traverses the ‘sky’ of the expanse of wisdom. All practices on the path to budhahood are methods for gathering the accumulations of merit and wisdom and for purifying our obscurations. One … Continue reading “Dakini Day Tsok”

Event Details

This event finished on 15 July 2020


Dakini is a female embodiment of enlightened energy. It literally means ‘sky-goer’, indicating one who traverses the ‘sky’ of the expanse of wisdom.

All practices on the path to budhahood are methods for gathering the accumulations of merit and wisdom and for purifying our obscurations. One such method is the practice of tsok, which is primarily a practice of offering.

Open to all Rigpa Mandala Students. Times may vary according to your nearest Rigpa branch/group.